Influence of crop-water production functions on the expected performance of water pricing policies in irrigated agriculture



Agricultural economics Water Programming Models (WPM) has found that irrigators in water scarce areas have a rather inelastic response to prices, making pricing cost-ineffective towards saving. We hypothesize the predicted saving performance of is significantly underestimated by issues model structure, due exclusion deficit irrigation from set decision variables available agents conventional WPM. To test our hypothesis, we develop integrates continuous crop-water production function into positive multi-attribute WPM, which allows us assess agents’ adaptive responses through irrigation. The illustrated with an application El Salobral-Los Llanos irrigated area Spain. Our results show incorporating as adaptation option makes demand curve more elastic compared alternative setting where precluded. conclude ignoring can lead significant underestimation cost-effectiveness

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عنوان ژورنال: Agricultural Water Management

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['0378-3774', '1873-2283']